June 28, 2024

“Endless Moments” is a real-time generative audiovisual work that features a polyphonic generative audio system playing consonant synthesized sounds with a gentle rhythmic energy. The visual materials include algorithmically generated textures and shapes, subtly synchronised to the music, that invoke the earthy tones of the Australian outback. These audio-visual elements are living entities in code that animate with a gentle pulsation, harmoniously synchronising music and image. The ambient sonic landscape draws inspiration from an eclectic array of cultural influences, fusing harmonies and rhythms from around the world within a Western musical framework. The work is part of a series of generative works coded in Javascript using SVG and WebAudio APIs to run in real time in web browsers.

Endless Moments was selected for inclusion in the creative program of International Symposium on Electronic Art 2024 and exhibited via a 4-projector-wide, floor to ceiling display in the WhiteBox Gallery at the Queensland College of Art and Design, Brisbane, Australia.


May 2024

Scarce City COUNTERSOUL Auction

createAlbum(“Piano”); is our second album and the first in the series of createAlbum(); releases. The album was made during development of a generative music program we have been working on for 2 years.

Each song on this album is a recording of the program while it is running. If you let the program run continuously on your computer, the song would keep evolving indefinitely. Alternatively, each time you restart the program, it generates a new song.


Bitcoin | Febraury 2023


COUNTERSOUL is a real-time, generative music & visual performance of the Bitcoin blockchain. Its development began in late 2021, and completed in January 2023 and is the first generative musical composition inscribed on Bitcoin.

COUNTERSOUL Listed at Scarce City Auction House

Bitcoin | Febraury 14-16th 2023

Scarce City COUNTERSOUL Auction

Running from In February 14-16th 2023, the first three editions #1, #2 and #3 will be auctioned on the Scarce City auction house, a marketplace that uses Bitcoin technology to sell Bitcoin related art and physical goods for Bitcoin.